An EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Geometry and Number Theory


London School of Geometry & Number Theory

About the LSGNT

The LSGNT is made up of 53 mathematicians in three London Universities, with interests in different aspects of number theory, geometry and topology. We already work together in many ways, which include research collaborations and joint seminars and working groups. Travel between the three universities is straightforward by public transport or bicycle.

The training that we offer as the LSGNT differs from a traditional UK PhD in pure mathematics in a number of respects, and is closer to the US graduate school model (though you will not have to do anything like as much teaching as a typical US graduate TA). In the first year, we offer a broad mathematical training, with an emphasis on topics in geometry and number theory. We also establish an ethos of working and learning together in a friendly and supportive environment. Towards the end of the first year, you will have to agree on projects and supervisors and before the start of year 2, enrol at an agreed College out of the three: UCL, King's and Imperial. The collaborative spirit established in the first year will be maintained by a number of mechanisms including cross-College supervision teams, junior seminars and working groups. Students are encouraged to organise other activities, such as an LSGNT colloquium, an annual retreat and an annual conference.

We expect to recruit students with a wide variety of mathematical backgrounds: some will already have clear ideas about a research project and the necessary knowledge to start right away, while others will not yet have decided where their interests lie. The first-year training will be flexible enough to accommodate and support everyone in the transition from undergraduate to research-level mathematics.

Current Activities

The LSGNT is embedded in a lively research environment which includes:

Our research groups are well connected with other top research groups throughout the world and our position in a capital city means that transport to the rest of the UK and the world is very efficient. We have taken advantage of this to establish the following Paris/London and Brussels/London seminars:

In addition to these seminar programmes, there are various seminar series organised by and aimed more specifically at graduate students and other early-career researchers:

Workshops/Conferences/Events organised by our students:

LSGNT Social Activities